The Best Sicilian Lemon Cream Recipe

Real Sicilian Lemon Cream is elegant, wonderful, refreshing, and ridiculously easy to make.

– 2 lemons, zested – 1/3 cup lemon juice – 3/4 cup sugar – 2/3 cup heavy cream – 1 1/2 cups mascarpone cheese



In a medium saucepan, combine lemon zest, juice, and sugar. Stir the mixture frequently over medium heat until the sugar dissolves. 

Step 1

Step 2

No grittiness should remain. Reserve the pan. Heat cream and mascarpone in a new saucepan over medium heat, stirring to melt. 

Step 3

Simmer it gently, not boiling! Whisk the lemon mixture into the pan after removing it from heat. Put into 4-6 small bowls or glasses after straining through a fine mesh filter.

Step 4

Cool lemon cream until stiff. You may make them the day before and refrigerate them overnight. It takes 8 hours. Refrigerated lemon cream lasts 3 days.

Also See

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