Mini Egg Cookies Recipe

Mini egg cookies are large bakery chocolate chip cookies. Full of minced tiny eggs. Cookie centers are chewy and borders are crunchy. 


– 2 ½ cups All-purpose flour – 1 teaspoon Baking soda – 1 teaspoon Salt – 1 cup Unsalted butter room temperature – 1 cup Brown sugar packed light or dark – ½ cup White granulated sugar – 1 teaspoon Pure vanilla extract – 2 Large eggs room temperature – 1 cup Semisweet chocolate chip – 1 cup Mini eggs slightly chopped plus more to top the cookie

A big bowl should be used to sift the flour. Baking soda and salt should be added. Put away for later. The little eggs should be chopped.



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Beat butter, brown sugar, and sugar with a mixer. 2 minutes of high-speed beating. Scrape bowl. Mix in eggs and vanilla. Beat this 1 minute on medium-high. Scrape bowl. 



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Put the dry ingredients in and mix on low speed until everything is just mixed. Mix in the tiny eggs and chocolate chips. Don't mix any further than that. 



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Rest for a quarter of an hour.Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. The parchment paper should be used to line two cookie sheets. 



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Large cookie scoop (3 oz) to scoop dough. Use 6 cookie dough balls per sheet. Freeze the first batch of cookies for 5-8 minutes. Store the second and third cookie dough balls in the fridge while baking. 



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Bake 13-15 minutes. Bake until sides are gently golden brown. Add tiny eggs with chocolate chips.Wait 5 minutes on the heated pan before moving the cookies to a cooling rack.



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also see

also see

Ice Cream Cookie Sandwich Recipe