Easy Almond Flour Gingerbread Cake (Paleo) Recipe

Amazing thick, warmly spiced grain-free gingerbread cake! This easy Christmas cake is great. For leftovers or more than 6 people, double the recipe. 

– 2 large eggs * – 2 Tbsp avocado oil – 5 Tbsp unsulphured molasses – 3 Tbsp pure maple syrup – 1 tsp pure vanilla extract – 2 ½ cups finely ground almond flour – 1 tsp baking powder – 2 tsp ground cinnamon – 2 tsp ground ginger – ½ tsp ground nutmeg – ½ tsp sea salt – 1 batch Vegan Cream Cheese Frosting optional


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Making vegan cream cheese frosting five days ahead is optional but recommended. Refrigerate in a sealed jar. Make your preferred cream cheese frosting.


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Turn on oven to 350°F and line an 8-inch square pan with parchment. Another alternative is an 8-inch round cake pan.

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Mix eggs, avocado oil, molasses, pure maple syrup, and vanilla in a bowl. I fork-mix everything, but you may use an electric mixer.

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In a large bowl, mix almond flour, baking powder, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, and sea salt until thick and sticky.

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Smooth cake batter in pan using rubber spatula. Normal. Thick, like forgotten cake dough.

On the centre rack of the preheated oven, bake the cake for 20–25 minutes until the edges are slightly golden brown and the centre is firm when gently pushed.

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Cake must be room temperature for dairy-free cream cheese icing. Top frosting with chopped pecans or walnuts.

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Refrigerate the cake for several hours to solidify frosting for smooth slicing. Freezing makes frosted cake sliceable. Slice and serve cake!

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Also See

Flourless Double Chocolate Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookies Recipe